Listen to “HBE23:10x Your Destiny and Business with Dr. Amber Joy Daniel” on Spreaker.

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Welcome to episode #23! In a previous episode, I shared about walking in the confidence of your calling. But once you begin walking in confidence, how do you not only keep momentum but accelerate in life and business?

My fabulous guest is Dr. Amber Joy. She is a prophetic teacher, worshipper, author, wife, and mother, who brings a lightness to the ardor of self-work. Amber’s passion is to train others to overcome challenges and fulfill their destiny. She is dedicated to bringing an unveiling of heaven and the heart of the Father to those with whom she has the honor of sharing.

Who is Dr. Amber Joy?

Dr. Amber Joy Daniel is the founder of Destiny Strategists and is passionate about helping people to seize their destiny (rather than fate). She was a successful career woman who went from single to soulmate in six months and is a 100x Certified coach, international motivational speaker, and author of Destiny Survivor. (Be sure to join her challenge held on December 3).

Amber and I talked about…

  • The events in her life that inspired her to begin work as a destiny strategist, and what this means for her. A destiny strategist is someone who has a gifting to help you see what’s inside of you to bring it out of you, read your own “scroll” of destiny, and partner with God to find the strategy to go from where you are to where you are meant to be.
  • Her beautiful love story and how God accelerated her life (and how he can quickly accelerate ours as well no matter our circumstances)
  • What is fate? Fate is whatever is ancestral, generational, and the idea of “que sera, sera”. But the story of destiny is the opposite. It is the knowledge that we have the ability to choose.
  • How she got her nickname “Joy”
  • What it means to have God 10x and accelerate your business and your life. (*Hint: it’s all about tapping into the spiritual realm.)
  • The foundation framework Amber uses: a snapshot of the four pillars of your life
  • Her focus on inner healing and its ability to free up our capacity in life

Ways to reach Dr. Amber Joy Daniel

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Credits: Intro/Outro Music by Jobi: English Breakfast-