It’s about that time: it’s time to start goal-planning! If your business has been at a stand-still or if you’ve felt you’ve hit rock-bottom, there is a way out. With a few tips that can help you with smart goals for content marketing, you’ll be set and ready to recharge and relaunch. So, let’s go do this!
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1. Create smart goals for content marketing by making your goals visible.
Very likely, you won’t remember to do what’s not visible to you, so it’s always a great idea to place your goals right in front of your face- daily. This is what I do and it works pretty well for me. I’m constantly reminded of things I need to do for the day because it’s on my content calendar- the one on my wall in my office that I cannot ignore (even if I tried).
It’s right there facing me daily, and I feel that I must be accountable whenever I see it…so that’s a good thing. I also use Google calendar (not just the calendar on the wall), and they both help tremendously.
So what are you putting out there for your customer? (It’s really all about them, right?) How are you helping your customer along their journey? Remember, you’re creating your content for them. Make it visible so that you are constantly reminded of how you’re showing up to help your customer.
So the next question is, should you plan for the entire year? A week or a month? That’s really up to you, but I prefer to know what content I’m putting out there for the entire year and break it down into smaller chunks for each month and week. Just make sure you have the big idea, the overarching theme of what you want to discuss, then make it happen.
2. Share your goals and gain some accountability.
Be sure to find an accountability partner or group to share your goals with. I’ve found a lot of support with Amy Porterfield’s coaching and support groups. Don’t just pick anyone, choose wisely. Not everyone is going to understand the entrepreneurial journey, so be sure you choose people that understand online business and can really, truly support you.
Unfortunately, I’ve had my share of “go get a real job” snarky comments a time or two from some well-meaning “friends” in the past. I honestly don’t hold it against them because they couldn’t possibly understand my perspective or see what I can see. In their eyes, I was wasting time. And at times, I did feel that I was. Being a solopreneur is scary and it can be draining mentally and emotionally when the needle isn’t moving fast enough. But at the end of the day, I always knew I was doing the right thing, so I just kept going, even in the face of possibly losing face to those looking on. I knew that I was on the right track and that I was following the right guiding light to my destiny.
So, be sure you have the right people in your corner to cheer you on. Don’t let anyone take your dreams away.
3. Assess your progress
Sometimes you’ll need to allow yourself the grace to be humiliated just a bit in order that you can receive help. Taking criticism isn’t easy, but it’s what helps us to grow. When we’re stuck, we need someone to help get us unstuck. That’s where finding accountability partners can be extremely helpful.
When it comes to assessing your progress, you’re going to find that there is always work to be done and improvements to be made. It’s important to celebrate our milestones and achievements, but it’s even more important that we continue to move toward our ultimate goals and make sure that our daily tasks and activities are working in tandem to achieve those goals. That’s why we need to constantly make assessments about what’s worked, what hasn’t worked, and what we can improve for next time.
Was this helpful to you? I sure hope so! Leave me a comment below to let me know.
Also, I’d love to have you follow my business YouTube channel here.