Listen to “31. The Power of Saying Yes in Your Business” on Spreaker.

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What I talked about this week…

Many times women entrepreneurs and mompreneurs have a habit of saying “no” because we’ve had to protect our time. My boundaries are very tight and I have said no to a lot of opportunities over the years, but there are seasons of your life when you should say “yes”. In this video, I share some business encouragement to help propel you into making room for new and incredible things to happen for you this year. Don’t worry about missing out, your opportunities will always be there, and God will make sure of it.

  1. Saying yes empowers you and your team.
  2. Saying yes opens up new opportunities for you. You never know what saying yes can do for you in life.
  3. Saying yes to some things also means saying no.
  4. Saying yes gives room in your life for innovation, space, clarity, and personal achievement.



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Credits: Intro/Outro Music by Jobi: English Breakfast-